Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Book review

Back in January I had a post called Things on my nightstand. Well, I finished one of the books...The Emperor's Children by Claire Messud. Either it was just me or the state I was in (finally being able to concentrate enough to read books with more than one character in them) or was expecting much more, but I was a disappointed in the ending. Little did I know that the stories I was trying to follow would be wrapped up (very easily by the author) by choosing to go the 9-11 route and all the stories hinging on the World Trade Center disaster. I want to know what would've happened to the characters if that didn't happen!!! Did learn some new words such as egegrious (which was used at least twice) and miasma which is always a plus to me.

Anyways, I'm now reading Truly the Community for house church and The Signature of Jesus.

Also am waiting on some lighter books on order at Amazon: Holy Cow: An Indian Adventure and Giants in the Earth: A Saga of the Prairie.

Anyways, so that's my book review.

Once again, I recommend Three Cups of Tea if you haven't read it already.

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