Friday, June 27, 2008

Macro milkweed

Have been practicing with my new camera lately. The first picture is butterfly milkweed with the macro setting on the camera.
This second picture is using an extension tube and magnifying filter (not very good, but just to show as an example).
On this last one, I cropped and tweaked it in photoshop.

After about 20 minutes of shooting, was kind of tired of closing one eye and squinting the other while looking through the viewfinder. Will have to get used to that.

Have more "bug" pictures on my flickr account if you care to look.

So that's what I've been up to and more.

p.s. Will have some pictures of my pottery to post soon, as there are 9 pieces in the kiln.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh that last photo is awesome as if the pedals are in praising stance - good shot! Qp