Thursday, July 31, 2008

Caterpillars/My science project

On July 22nd, I found these little caterpillars on my parsley and fennel and put them in jars so the wasps wouldn't eat them. Thought they would be good photo fodder.

Here's a picture of one yesterday---

And here's one of them pupating today.

How many people do you know my age that get excited about caterpillars? Told you I was weird. Let's see if I can get a better picture than last year (link) of the butterflies.


  1. Anonymous10:14 PM

    Hi Kim --
    I guess I should check on the parsley in my garden! What kind of butterfly will the catapillar become? I get excited, too!
    Aunt Jan

  2. Am thinking they are black swallowtails.

  3. cool! you always have the most interesting posts!

