Monday, June 09, 2008

Cruet and new glazes

The cruet is with Coyote Pistachio Shino glaze. Am really pleased with it and actually knew what glaze I was going to use while making it. It's really exciting when I decide what glaze I'm going to use while making the pot, as sometimes I spend a lot of time deciding which glaze to use on already bisque-fired pieces. Decisions, decisions.

The vase has Highland Tweed glaze and came out a little bit lighter on the picture than it actually is. If you do pottery, you can probably guess that I didn't plan on the faceted bottom third. It flew off the wheel while not properly secured while trimming and got dented..thus I proceeded to creatively mask the dent with a cheese cutter.

These bowls have Copper Wash on the inside and Black Licorice on the outside.


  1. You know that they're all really beautiful, right? Because they are.

  2. i like the copper wash with the black lic color. very cool.
