Friday, February 19, 2010

This blog is a log...

If you are reading this, thank you! I like the idea and concept of blogs even thought it seems that they are not as popular as they used to be. I haven't been using this medium to voice my opinion or anything like that in quite awhile, but just to show my work. A couple of years ago, it was so fun to read each others' and comment on them but people have drifted or had priorities come up or have moved on to "a bigger and better place". I was even thinking about not updating it anymore and using flickr, but will keep this going since this is where my pretend art-sharing all began in the first place.

BTW, did you know that you can be updated by email every time I update this blog instead having to come to my site? Just become a follower by clicking the right-hand side link over there-->

Now on to the "show and tell"...

This is a slab-built box that I carved on. It's about 5 inches tall. It has just one glaze on it.

Last month was "bowl" month and I got a couple of new curved ribs, so this is what came out of that.

Here's a vase. I'm disappointed in the glaze, but oh well.

I still have an extreme fondness for working with hollow tubes made from a clay extruder. I laid one of the vases from earlier by a raw tube right here.

And here is a piece in which I learned more about sculpting and needing a thicker base. This piece went back into the reclaim bucket after it cracked apart.

The tubules reminded my husband of something from his Medical Terminology book, and I'd have to agree they do have a likeness.

There will be more tubules to come!


  1. I like a lot of those. The bowl up at the top is particularly fun.

  2. Anonymous8:19 PM

    The box is my favorite. So beautiful. All of you work is awesome, Kim!

  3. that box is awesome! wow! i love your multi-glazed bowls, too.
