Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Bugs in my yard

Is that enough pollen?

I found out this is a red-banded leafhopper. Remember the treehopper I found last July?
Am loving my macro lens!


  1. Anonymous7:47 PM

    Where did you find that red-banded leafhopper? How in the world you find these things I'll never know!

    Your macro lens looks like it was a good investment!

    In the previous pictures I can see the sets of antenna on each end of the caterpillars that you mentioned. Wonder why? Maybe defensive or something?

    Love you hon-

  2. Your caterpillar is so cute. The pollen picture is amazing.

  3. the red-banded leafhopper is beautiful. =)

  4. Anonymous6:55 PM

    like robert, i am amazed you find these things in your yard. you should come over sometime and take pictures of all the snakes in my yard.
    love you!
