These pictures were taken over Thanksgiving Weekend.

I would just like to again state that even though I have a good camera doesn't mean all my pictures will turn out great and I'm still learning and am a little disappointed in my skills...and that is one of the reasons why it took me so long to post these pics, Uncle Bob!

There's also a scrawny vegetarian and maybe a sentarian or two or three. Can you find them?

Oh yeah...and I finally got to meet Hannah! We have been reading each other's blogs for a couple of years and finally got to be together in person. Thanks for the brunch, Hannita! You're almost as silly as I am!

There's also a scrawny vegetarian and maybe a sentarian or two or three. Can you find them?

p.s. Has anyone noticed my "medical term of the week" I have had on the right sidebar for over a month now?
Good GOD! I am an eyefull! All those crazy patterns and colors. It was so lovely meeting you. I'm drinking all my beverages out of Kim mugs these days and it makes me smile. =)