Thursday, July 10, 2008

Please vote now

Have you ever visited the
Bartlett Arboretum? It has suffered from flooding in the recent years and has been nominated for a grant. Please click here and vote for Robin Macy and the Arb' to get a grant from said wine company. Did you know she was the founding member of the Dixie Chicks?

On a somewhat-related topic (in my mind at least), these were the best pictures I could get of a tree hopper that I found in my yard about a week ago. I think it's so cute!!! Do you see how in my mind this can be somehow related to the arboretum, as it hops on trees? Just a little peek of how my mind works.

Thank you for you support (I by no means just subliminally suggested that you should drink wine or listen to the Dixie Chicks (even though I like both) by voting, but you may do so at your discretion (or even drink Bartles and James for that matter in case anyone remembers those commercials using said phrase)).

Have I used enough parentheses in this post? Maybe this would make a good "mind teaser" quiz--How many parentheses do you see in this post and did I even spell parentheses right?


  1. I voted for Robin...


  2. Well, hey, Kim... howz your week going?


  3. Kim - I really understand your response, and I have been there many times... just right now, I am I guess so broken and so totally realizing I am not in control - it makes it not so much of a choice as just giving in to stop fighting the river that is carrying me along at high speeds...

