Sunday, January 27, 2008

The rest

Made up the symbol on this mug just to practice this technique. It doesn't mean anything. Did this during the Christmas break as well.

Tried a combination of three glazes on these last two, and was so happy how they turned out I brought the goblet to church and showed my friends..I'm such a dork.


  1. Anonymous10:48 PM

    regarding the pretend artist comment: it's the "real" artists who rely on others to see them as "real" artists who are the pretend artists. they create their identity to feed their ego instead of letting their identity create.

    i like the goblet. i didn't get to see it in person, though :)

  2. Kim - those are GORGEOUS... WOW!

  3. Anonymous8:23 AM

    I absolutely love. When can I buy a mug off you?

  4. i agree with teason 100%.

    you are the real deal artist and the real deal friend. i love you and miss you more today!

  5. I love the top bowl.

    I was thinking about creating a Christian artists gallery where those of us who don't see ourselves as "real" artists can be the "real" artists that we really are but don't see ouselves as.


  6. Anonymous6:59 PM

    how beautiful!...
    ...inside and out.

  7. Anonymous3:18 PM

    I love the pottery, too -- it's just the sort of thing I find myself buying at art/craft shows!

    I'm not sure I understand teason's comment. Does it mean that people who create "art" in order to be admired by others aren't really artists? (Like what Jesus said about praying in public 'to be seen by men'?) Sorry to be dense.

  8. Anonymous8:21 AM

    missing you here in kansas. hope all is well. we're praying for and thinking of you and your family.

  9. Kim, I'm Hannah's friend. Found you through her blog. I love the goblet. If you ever do something similar with some Celtic christian symbols on it, and perhaps a simple platter to match, i'd be interested in buying them from you for our own eucharistic celebrations.
