Saturday, January 12, 2008

Dress Up Your Pet Day

In honor of Monday being Dress Up Your Pet Day, I'm posting the only way my pet has ever let me change her physical appearance besides trimming her paws, and I can respect that. She is donning a tie-dyed bandana. This was after we went to "Woofstock", an event to raise money for the humane socieity, a few years ago.

On another note, the kilns should be firing regularly now that the winter pottery classes have officially started, so should have a few pieces to post soon. I did go in over the break while classes weren't in session when I needed a "break from the break". Am trying goblets now.


  1. Anonymous3:12 PM

    just came back from the doggie shelter, private owned, nice people, clean facility and fell in love with "Charlie" a lovable white lab!!! He responded very well and I wanted him...still do! Qp

  2. Anonymous9:04 AM

    shelby let's us give him bandana changes from time to time. i didn't know there was such a thing as "dress up your pet day". our poor dog was slightly underdressed!

  3. Anonymous10:38 PM

    How cute! Now I have an excuse to dress Mya up, and not have Matt think I'm crazy! He still will anyways! :) Thanks for the email- I will send you a picture of Mya all dressed up. Love you! Sheri
