Friday, November 16, 2007

My fun friday fotos-my dog rocking out

Since my husband and I just acquired fake guitars in order to play Guitar Hero III, I thought it was appropriate to get my dog a fake guitar, also. Her guitar only cost $1 at Target in the dollar spot section.

p.s. I beat Tom Morello on the medium level last night which is quite an accomplishment considering I couldn't get past one song three weeks ago.

p.p.s. It was rather amusing playing the Slayer song while picking the Oriental girl character with her pigtails and little backpack and schoolgirl outfit.


  1. Anonymous11:39 AM

    Did I miss those pictures? I don't remember seeing them. I think they look great, and the subject is adorable... but of course, I'm biased!


  2. What a shredder your dog is!

  3. Anonymous11:42 AM

    oh yeah!

  4. Anonymous3:36 PM

    How adorable! When I saw those, I sent them to Matt who got a kick out of them as well. If your dog is anything like Mya, the little guitar will last about 5 minutes before the stuffing comes out! Love you! Sheri

  5. I've seen this post 3-4 times and each time I giggle inside because your little dog looks like he/she's? smiling while playing. He/she even has the 80's hair to go with the cool riff he's playing.

  6. Whoa! You played Slayer? We are not worthy! We are not worthy!
