Friday, July 20, 2007

le Tour de France

These posters are my favorites of the TDF, when they used to take wine and smoke breaks,er, I guess they didn't even take a break to smoke. There was no GU or Powerade back then.

Why I like watching the TDF:

--Getting to hear the European pronunciations of words like tee-moe-BILE (T-Mobile), kilo-MEE-ter (kilometer), and lick-kwee-GAS (LIQUIGAS).

--Riders named Levi, Linus, and Thor.

--The local spectators are spread out and there usually isn't that annoying "roar of the crowd".

--No loud engines as in car races.

--Men not afraid to wear pink.

--It goes on for like a month.

--I dream about how much those guys can eat and not gain an ounce (or milligram) of fat.


  1. i LOVE the tour. i hardly ever watch it on TV - i follow it all online and have been for years+. i wish my name was Thor. I imagined myself climbing a pass on solo breakaway as a turned a corner at a busy intersection on my ride today. i ride the same frame as Lance did. one of my goals in HS (1983) was to be the first american to win the tour. i LOVE the tour. i'm even doing research on EPO. (kidding)

  2. Anonymous12:12 PM

    i'd probably watch it if it did have loud engines roaring!! :)
    the only tdf name i'm familiar with is "lance"

  3. That's awesome! It amazes me that anyone could finish with the early equipment and wine and smokes!

    Reminds me of the John Belushi skit on Saturday night live for "Little Chocolate Donuts"... olympic champion. "I won alot of events that day... and I downed alot of donuts"...

