Wednesday, June 06, 2007
Went to the "Wedding of 07" on Friday night, or at least that's what we called it at Wheatland Mission. It was beautiful and didn't rain during the ceremony, even though it rained all day earlier. What is the thing that stands out the most in my mind? I have never seen a groom's smile so big, so much, all through the ceremony. Congratulations Ty and Leigh! (This is for when you get back. Of course you're not going to be reading my blog on your honeymoon. I know you have better things to do!)
What was another recurring theme last week? The church being the bride of Christ, of course. I was reading a book recommended by my friend, Nicole, called The Christian's Secret of a Happy Life earlier in the week and was at this part:
But imagine this bride beginning after a while to look back upon her low estate, and to be so overwhlemed by the retrospect as to feel unworthy of union with her husband, and to lose consequently the inward sense of this union. Who can doubt that very soon the old sense of working for wages would drive out the new sense of working for love, and in spirit the old name of "my master" would again take the place of the new name of "my husband"? We exclaim at the folly of such a course. But is not this just what happens to many Christians now? The servitude of duty takes the place of the service of love.
Oh yeah, I was also frustrated with my camera...Couldn't get the settings right or something.
Thanks for the blog entry about "the Wedding of 07." I don't know of a time I've smiled as big as I did seeing my bride coming down the aisle. It was truely the best day of my life and I'm excited you were able to be a part of it (bummer that Robert couldn't come). See you tomorrow @ small group.