hey kim - your article on "do I believe it?" was good. I know that some of my questions are "why do I feel this way and where is this steming from?" Many times I find that it is an unresolve situation or circumstance of the past that still needs to be addressed with truth. I also think it is very important to remember the helmet of salvation because that is where Satan likes to attack - the mind. And with that I like to remind him that I believe in my salvation!! Thanks kim great article. irene (i think i need to establish an account that's why I'm anonymous)
hey kim - your article on "do I believe it?" was good. I know that some of my questions are "why do I feel this way and where is this steming from?" Many times I find that it is an unresolve situation or circumstance of the past that still needs to be addressed with truth. I also think it is very important to remember the helmet of salvation because that is where Satan likes to attack - the mind. And with that I like to remind him that I believe in my salvation!! Thanks kim great article. irene (i think i need to establish an account that's why I'm anonymous)