Saturday, April 21, 2007

U of M

On Easter Monday, Mom had her CT scan after drinking her two bottles of barium. Then we ate and walked around the U of M while awaiting the results. We visited the McNamara Alumni Center. Bob Dylan went there. Then we walked down Scholars' Walk.

My mom was feeling pretty strong. I did feel guilty at first since my sisters took care of her while she was weak and sick from the chemo and I felt my job was easy just driving her here. She lost at least 20 pounds since the last time I saw her. I kept thinking, "Now my mom really is a 'little old lady'!" She's 72, so she doesn't mind being called old.


  1. Anonymous12:58 PM

    Such great photos, Kim.

    Thank you for sharing...


  2. hi,good morning,nice to meet you here, iwas the first time to visit your blog, welcom eto my blog ...wish you have a good day~~~~

  3. Anonymous10:25 AM

    thanks for finding me! glad you're back.
