Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Paper whites

I love the miracle of bulbs! But ooh,my husband's right. These paper whites stink!!! Don't tell him I said so. I started them a couple weeks ago to help with the winter doldrums.

Here's your first warning. I love spring bulbs--daffodils, hyacinths, tulips, crocus, scilla, muscari, galanthus, alliums... so I'm sure I'll be posting some pics this spring.


  1. beautiful.... simply beautiful... love the pictures.

  2. Hi! Love your blog... nice and easy on the eyes... will be back for more...

  3. I have paperwhites out now too. =) They're at the end of their short little life though.

  4. Anonymous2:55 AM

    I showed my husband the blog and he saw the pictures of the paperwhites, He hadn't read what Rob said but all he said was those are what you had THEY STINK.
