Tuesday, January 23, 2007

New job

I've been appointed a new job. It's editing my mom's posts on her caringbridge journal. I could tell she was tired last night because it was harder to edit. So if you're reading it and it doesn't make sense, I'm partly to blame. I'm also the one who uploaded the pictures of her when she was a little girl...Isn't she cute!

My mom just finished her first day of chemo/radiation yesterday. She was just tired, not feeling sick. She is excited to find out that one of her sisters, Sally, is coming to stay with her for at least a week. Sally will get there this coming Sunday.

If you want the info to get on her caringbridge account, just leave your email for me to shoot it to you. Just thought it would be best if I didn't post it for all to see. You know how many accounts use the password challenge question of your mother's maiden name and all that, right? No identity theft is happening to me if I can help it. Does this sound paranoid? I'm not paranoid...It least I think I'm not.


  1. Anonymous9:11 PM


    What a beautiful picture of your mother. I love old photographs like that.

  2. Anonymous9:12 PM

    Also, I would love to keep up with her caringbridge account if you wouldn't mind.
