Saturday, December 14, 2013

Out of the kiln

Who's thirsty?

Glaze dud, but it still holds water.
Thanks to Melanie for the stamp!!!

Who's thirsty?

Who's hungry?
Trying to decide if I want to try to sell just a little to help buy clay.  What do you think?

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Heritage Food: Zwieback

My husband's grandma was Mennonite, and since I enjoy baking bread I thought I'd try to make these for Thanksgiving. I've seen them spelled as Zweibach, too. Here are the recipes his aunt gave me that were from his mom's mom.

Ran out of time to take a picture of the finished product. Please use your imagination for what they would look like when baked. Please don't use your imagination to associate them with a certain part of the female anatomy.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

More owls and vertigo

I'm jumping on the owl-loving bandwagon!  I'm even making felt ones.  Was thinking of giving them away for Christmas ornaments, but that just be too rambunctious this year. 

One of these was shipped to Seattle for a friend's husband!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

First piece spray glazed during spray glaze workshop.
Side 1

Side 2
First piece with Tom Coleman porcelain, second spray glazed piece.

Third spray glazed piece.

4th spray glazed piece

Wednesday, August 07, 2013

Friday, July 05, 2013

Other pottery pieces from this spring

It's been a busy spring/early summer and I finally got a chance to catch up on this blog.  Think I carved stamps to make the cars, trains and planes this winter.  My husband drew the plane for me to trace. 

Vertigo side 1
Vertigo side 2

Thursday, July 04, 2013

Totem Exchange

 I had the pleasure of participating in a totem exchange with 8 other wonderful clay artists!  It entailed making 9 pieces of art with 1/2-inch holes on the top and bottom in order to thread onto a piece of re-bar.  Some of us threw our pieces on the wheel, while others hand-built them.  Sign-up ended March 1st, and we had until the end of May to finish them.  It was a fun and freeing project for me because it didn't matter if they looked the same at all!  Then we had a party in June and exchanged them.  What a great excuse for a party!

Jan's owls--She came up with the project!

Bisque-fired totems by Gina

Bisque-fired turtles
Jill's turtles still in the kiln!
Kiln opening is like Christmas Day, you never know if you're going to get a potholder or a new car!
My vertigo pieces
Brenda's totems

In their intended location!

The artists minus Barb in order